
Safety is a critical aspect of a walkable community. One component of the WalkWays initiative involves analysis of pedestrian crashes, walkability safety audits in high crash areas, and the development of countermeasures to prevent them.

In November 2016, WalkWays unveiled a public safety education campaign, Tired Faces. The ads target people both walking and driving, and are intended to raise awareness, provide education and promote behavioral change.

Social media graphics are available below. Other campaign components include bus tail ads, yard signs, a brochure and window clings for businesses and community spaces.

We invite organizations and individuals to share these safety messages through their own networks and channels. To request materials, please email or call 317-622-4820.


Tired Faces

WW Kids


Kids don’t come with turn signals. Always be alert.




WW Body Shop


You can’t fix a person at a body shop. Look twice before you turn.




WW Crosswalk


It wouldn’t hurt to use the crosswalk. Cross where drivers expect to see you.




WW Spanish


Hay algunos errores que no puedes recuperar.
Reduce la velocidad. Sea atento a los peatones.



WW Contact


Make eye contact, not body contact. Be safe. Be seen.




